Saturday, March 16, 2013

Old Fashioned Personal Steam Inhaler

Grandma knew that inhaling steam was good for you when you felt a cold or the flu coming on. I don't know if she realized that it helps with airborne allergies too, I don't think my Grandma did.

But Grandma was right and her personal steam inhaler of choice is still being used today. That's the one where you lean over a bowl or a pot of hot water with a towel over your head and breathe-in the rising steam for 15 or 20 minutes. Click here to read about steam inhalation therapy that's a lot more convenient.

So, steam inhalation therapy doesn't have to be complicated or expensive to be effective. But there are some problems with Grandma's steam inhaler:
  • It's inconvenient and kind of a hassle
  • It involves the use of boiling hot water so there's a risk of getting burned
  • Not recommended for small children
  • It's not comfortable if you have back problems
  • Hard to do multiple times a day like doctors recommend
  • Most of us can't do it at work
  • It's difficult and inconvenient when you're traveling

Modern Personal Steam Inhaler

Let's face it, for most people today, grandma's steam inhaler is just not that convenient or easy to use. Fortunately, today there is a modern steam inhaler that Grandma could only have dreamed about.

The MyPurMist Personal Steam Inhaler is the most convenient and easy to use steam inhaler ever.

If you suffer from allergies or colds and the flu you know they bring on nasal congestion, chronic sinusitis, post nasal drip and the sinus infections that often follow.

Now you can do something to fight back.  Click here to read about the new MyPurMist personal steam inhaler.  Check it out now, it can change the quality of your life.


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  3. Both fashion are useful for health but mostly people use modern Technics. It's really good product. Thanks for sharing informative post about Steam Inhaler.

  4. Steam Inhaler

    You will witness that you are able to breathe easily by everyday use of this competent inhaler. If you like fragrances and are eager to try aromatherapy, do not hesitate to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil in the aromatherapy tray of the steamer and inhale the warm and soothing mist. The fragrance from the essential oils will also make your room and surroundings smell lovely!
